Application of game theory in the inviting and submitting tenders 博弈论在招投标中的应用
The faulty duty of signing a treaty and its avoiding in inviting and submitting tender 招投标中的缔约过失责任及其规避
Study for the definition and punishment of infringement aat on inviting and submitting tenders 招标投标侵权行为认定及惩处探讨
However , after the establishment of the municipal administration office of inviting and submitting tenders for construction projects , the supervision and examination of these tender documents will be transferred to the new sector 而市招标投标管理办公室成立后,将负责对全市各类建设工程的招标投标管理,审查各类招标投标文件。
Originally the related departments of construction , communication , water conservancy , trade and economy were in charge of matters concerning inviting and submitting tenders for the construction projects of property , city planning , transport , water conservancy and electric power according to their respective duties endowed 在市招标办成立之前,我市建设、交通、水利、经贸等部门按照职责分别负责房建和市政工程、交通工程、水利工程、电力工程招标投标活动的监管。